Cyber Essentials Recertification

We are delighted that our Cyber Essentials certification has been renewed and extended to all Stotts Group companies.  This means that , S&B Transport Services, Parker Transport and Willmotts Transport are all classified as operating secure systems offering robust protection against cyber threats.

Backed by the UK government and overseen by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the scheme encourages organizations to adopt good practice in information security and provides a framework and security controls to protect information from threats coming from the internet.

Cyberattacks come in many forms, but the vast majority can be protected against and Cyber Essentials certification helps businesses mitigate the risks of most assaults on computer systems.

The certification now brings all cloud services into scope and includes Multi Factor Authentication along with changes on passwords and pins.

Reviewed annually, Cyber Essentials gives peace of mind that Stotts Group's cyber defences protect against the majority of common cyberattacks.


New Transport Manager


Parker Transport are now part of the Stotts Group family!